
sidetracked creativity & mini tutorial

Sometimes I just plain don't feel like sewing. That is when I pursue my other creative interest...photography. I love learning and seeing other people's styles of photography. I am really liking simple, clean minimalist photos at this time...(this could change in an instant!) because I am also drawn to pop, bright, explosive colors too! well I guess I just love experimenting. The top photo is a collection of shells and rocks from the beaches of Vancouver Island. This is one of a four part series I will complete and have framed. They will all be photos of objects found in nature.
Here is a a little photo I will be hanging in ...you guessed it! my kitchen. Composed of vintage silverware laid on white posterboard...you could try making your own words..use different colored paper..the possibilities are endless...a simple yet elegant project. That's it...my first mini tutorial!..I would love to know if you give it a try!
vintage silverware


  1. Great photos!!!!

    Okay, so I visited Picnik and it's super cool! I've already started playing with a few of my photos. Thanks for the tip! :)

    Take care!

  2. Lovely! I really love the 'EAT'!! :>

    I've barely been out of the country (U.S.), but I've been to Vancouver Island twice ('95 and 2000) and I just love it......soooo beautiful and peaceful!


love for you to share...