
Tackling other projects...

I have been working on other projects lately other than sewing. Spring cleaning mostly! My part-time job comes to an end in June so time will be slowly freeing up for me. I scored the white carpet above for $13.00 at a local rug store. I was tired of the bright colored pink rug in my daughters room. I will be painting a second hand dresser white for her and replacing the knobs with gray and white porcelain polka dot ones I found at Michaels of all places! (in the dollar bins). The white dresser in her room now was mine in high school! it's falling apart at this stage. There is one accent wall in "lavender lipstick" by Benjamin Moore , the rest is raspberry ice - I might revert the dark purple to the lighter tone. Some sewing in her room might involve drapes and accent cushions - I am loving the bold garden trellis patterns lately...lost the sewing mojo for a bit but I know it will return! There are other pretty big painting projects which will have to be done too (garage door, front porch and front door)...are any of you tackling these kinds of projects? even if I don't blog much in the coming weeks I still check out all of your blogs! Happy Easter Weekend to all!


  1. Mojo comes and goes and I really think it has to do with what all else is on our plates. As of a bit ago, we are officially on spring break for over a week.....YAY!!! We all need the break. The dresser being passed on made me smile. :> The changing table that was used for both of my kidlets (which is also a dresser) was my old changing table when I was a baby (though, back then it was lime green with orange and yellow handles!!). Its still in my daughter's room as a dresser. :>

    No major projects right now, other than getting a veggie garden in order....but, that will have to wait until the rain stops. I do spy many a diy project around the house, inside and out, going on the to-do list to do soon! :>

    Happy Easter to you and your fam, Sue!! :>

  2. I also am trying to "De Clutter". Except some stuff I cant part with but dont want in the house so we built a little shed for me to store my sewing stuff in! I must also spend some of my spare time landscaping our yard. Its just rock at the moment.

    So I understand how hard it is to get the sewing urge when other projects are more important.


love for you to share...